May 24, 2014

Honey For Your Allergies

I have seasonal allergies and really don't like taking pills: 1) they don't work, 2) they cost way too much, and 3) I really don't want to give pharmaceutical companies my money.

So I'm going to try honey!
It makes sense: local raw honey should have the same pollens, start early and don't warm up the honey. Your body should get use to what you are allergic too, and heck it's honey.

I read this article by Jana on the Free People Blog, read the whole thing here.

"But not just any honey…it has to be raw, and it has to be local.

Raw honey is completely unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed…so basically, straight out of the hive. Typically, bits of honeycomb or natural pollen will be left in the honey, which is essential for helping your body fight off allergies.

It’s also important for the honey to be local because it will contain pollen from your specific region.

Bees carry the local pollen that aggravates our allergies, and those pollens are then transferred during the honey making process. As we take in that pollen, our body builds up an immunity to it, resulting in less of those nasty symptoms.

The best way to use raw and local honey to combat allergies each season is to start consuming it a few months prior to the first bloom. Getting an early start on ingesting the honey will help adjust the body to the pollen so that the immune system will be less sensitive to the allergens in the air after blooming begins.

Taking 1 spoonful of raw honey a day is the easiest way to start getting the pollen moving through your system and to help fight off those annoying allergy symptoms. You can also try mixing it in with some other ingredients to create a tasty elixir.

The most important thing to remember when dealing with raw honey is to make sure it doesn’t get heated, so whatever way you choose to consume it, keep that in mind!"