January 21, 2013

Aquarius 4

By Tracy Allen ~ Week of January 21 - 27, 2013

Planets traveling through your sign increase their particular brand of energy in your life, and during their tenure there, their function is colored by the natural qualities of your sign. The sun in Aquarius is infusing you with vitality, while Mercury is powering up your brain. And it all has a quick, innovative, brilliant, nontraditional, intellectual, humanitarian slant, like you. Jupiter gets in on the action as well, connecting with both the sun and Mercury from your creativity zone. And your ruling planet, Uranus, contacts them from your communication sector. So you’re apt to be highly expressive this week, mentally, verbally, artistically, romantically, socially—you name it. But a full moon in your partnership angle prods you to strike a balance between your self-expression and the needs of others. Otherwise, you may be faced with an emotional response to your perceived ego that strikes you as over the top.